07/26 2012
heart disease and heart muscle, cardiomyopathies), inflammatory diseases (rheumatic, Viral et al), heart failure,
congenital heart disease, hypertensive heart failure. The causes of arrhythmias may be in other organs,
like. changes in the activities of the nervous system (sympathetic and parasimpatik), lung disease, diseases of the glands
endocrine (eg, thyroid), changes in the gastrointestinal and urinary system, inflammatory and toxic
state, disturbances in acid-base and electrolyte balance, anemia and secondary phenomena of
drugs. Various causes can lead to failure of the formation of stimulus (pulse), their translation, or both.
Causes of cardiac arrhythmias divided into:

- anatomical (changes in the structure of the heart),
- hemodynamic (changes in the circulation),
- Metabolism (metabolic)
- nerve (vegetative) and
- iatrogenic (caused by medication).
Heart rhythm disturbance known as arrhythmia and is a heart rhythm that is different from sinus rhythm with
frequency of 60 to 99/minuto. Heart rhythm with a frequency 100/minuto or more is called tachycardia.
Bradycardia, the heart rhythm with a frequency below 60/minuto, also no matter what the cause of the slow
During cardiac rhythms (arrhythmias) include: slow, rapid or irregular heartbeat. At a frequency
under 30 is insufficient cerebral blood flow, causing dizziness and unconsciousness. Pumping function of the heart
interfere with the beat too fast. In an adult, can increase pumping efficiency by frequency of about 170
per minute, then begins to decrease.
Arrhythmia is most often due to the underlying heart disease, and its symbol or emanation. It often occurs
in quite a healthy heart when neither clinical nor other investigations are not found in heart disease
amendments. The specific methods and investigations can sometimes be identified mechanism of
rhythm disorders.
Haemodynamic effects of arrhythmias. (Hemo-= prefix for blood, blood, dynamics = movement) disorders
rhythm, leading to severe disability patient, such as a fall in blood pressure (hypotension), failure
heart, shock status, pain in the form of angina and circulatory arrest, requiring immediate
For significant bradycardia arrhythmia, urgent electro, with stimulus
Electrocution (transcutaneous or transvenozna) with significant tachycardia and dysrhythmias
treatment with drugs or by pushing an electric current (ventricular tachycardia treatment).